P# ZCW-MicroLabs-Streams-And-Lambdas:
The Person Factory
* **Purpose** - to demonstrate stream usage.
## Part 1
* **Note** - The `Person` class is a representation of a respective `Person` object.
* **Objective** - to implement the following classes:
* `PersonFactory` - generates `Person` objects.
* `PersonWarehouse` - stores, retrieves, and filters `Person` objects.
* `StreamFilter` - demonstrates filtering and converting between collection-types
* `StreamMap` - demonstrates mapping and flatmapping
## Part 2
* **Objective** - to implement the following classes:
* `ArrayConverter` - demonstrates the conversion from `SomeType[]` to
* list representation: `List`
* stream representation: `Stream`
* `ListConverter` - demonstrates the conversion from `List` to
* array representation: `SomeType[]`
* stream representation: `Stream`
* `StreamConverter` - demonstrates the conversion from `Stream` to
* array representation: `SomeType[]`
* list representation: `List`