Building a RESTful Web Service :: Learn how to create a RESTful web service with Spring. :: spring-boot 588B

  1. cd $(dirname $0)
  2. cd ../initial
  3. mvn clean compile
  4. ret=$?
  5. if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
  6. exit $ret
  7. fi
  8. rm -rf target
  9. ./gradlew compileJava
  10. ret=$?
  11. if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
  12. exit $ret
  13. fi
  14. rm -rf build
  15. cd ../complete
  16. mvn clean package
  17. if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ];
  18. then
  19. curl -o aws
  20. chmod u+x aws
  21. ./aws put --progress "x-amz-acl: public-read" springio-guides/gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar target/gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar
  22. fi
  23. rm -rf target
  24. ./gradlew build
  25. ret=$?
  26. if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
  27. exit $ret
  28. fi
  29. rm -rf build
  30. exit